The Creepy Antique Advent Extravaganza: 01 December

In the past, I’ve done a thing were I collected as many photos of creepy Christmas ornaments as possible and posted them here.

This year, however, I am switching to straight up creepy antiques as an advent calendar. Why? Because the creepy ornaments, after seven years, have become repetitively creepy. In other words: boring. 

So, to kick of this year’s festivities, I present to you: 

I’m not 100% clear on what is going on here. it is clearly a bust, but what about the rest of it. Just look at it.

The eyes.

The “smile”. (?)

The fact that it is staring out from the back of a glass case.

I actually wondered at first if it might have been a death mask, before I saw that it is a bust.

Anyway, 23 more days to go…

Happy Advent!

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