Beer Review: La Chouffe

Never in a million years would I have guessed that my enjoyment of blogging about beers and reviewing them would have collided with the horrific experiences that I have had fighting with Harold the Evil Gnome.

It has happened today, reader. Harold has invaded the beer section of my life. Only, this time, I think he may be making a peace offering.

In our search for beers to taste and review, we came across La Chouffe. Named for the gnomes who used to brew beer in the mountains of Belgium, the label proudly displays the picture of a gnome, which immediately captured my attention.

La Chouffe describes itself as “Belgian golden ale brewed with spice”. As a result, when I took my first sip, I was expecting more of a mulled flavor. Not so! It is a crisp, almost wheat-like beer with hints of citrus and a bit of an herbal flavor to it. 

After reading the back of the bottle, the lack of mulled spice and the presence of herbal hints makes sense; they put coriander in it.

All in all, I liked it – a tad bit bitter for my preference, but overall not so much that I didn’t enjoy it.

I’d give it an 8/10.

Gnomes Sometimes Mess With Other Family Members

Today for P.E. The Wee Little Miss had an archery lesson. She’s been working at becoming proficient with her compound bow for some time now and has really made some good progress.

She and The Hubbster recently purchased her some new, better arrows to celebrate her newfound talent, which they put into use today for the first time.

Except… The Wee Little Miss is convinced that the new arrows are gnome-infested. She gets a good shot in every time with the old arrows… but when she uses a new one, it sails off on its own program!

Old arrows? No problem.

New arrows? Noooo!