I Love Sleeping at the Airport

I love sleeping at the airport.

Wait, what?! No, not really. I was simply trying to make the best of a crappy situation.

You see, due to unforeseen weather circumstances in Dallas, we missed our flight from Chicago to Richmond, and thus we have the great opportunity to come to much better appreciate our own beds.

At least it’s been entertaining, I suppose. It’s already 12:41am and we only have to wait til 7:11am for our flight to leave. Yep, just another six-and-a-half hours (we have only been stuck here for four hours thus far).

Some of tonight’s fun:

The Wee Little Miss attempts to suffocate The Book Worm by assaulting him with her feet.

The Book Worm appears to be turning into Gollum… please send us help…

The Wee Little Miss’ attempts at sleep all end up in lots of giggling.

The Hubbster seems to have disappeared permanently into his hat.

I guess I’ll just sit here and keep guard…

On the plus side, a guy who works here showed up to distribute blankets and bags with toiletries in them. He was like Santa Claus. Literally the nicest person we have met all day.

6 thoughts on “I Love Sleeping at the Airport

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